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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Space Quest 5 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:43:24 Views : 24675 Cheat : Worf from Star Trek is sitting in the academy's classroom. However, he has been renamed "Woof" and is described as the academy's ambu-jitsu champion. Elvis appears in the right half of the academy rotunda. Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi are fighting their famous lightsabre battle in the academy hallway. In the academy's landing bay, there's a skull fighter from SQ3. The guards in the rotunda are playing games on their consoles. Specifically, they're playing "Asteroids" and "Missile Command". In the Eureka's shuttle lab, there's a display above the teleporter. The computer is playing an old (REAL old) game called Pong on it. The moon visible through the academy's rotunda windows is described as "one of the nine moons of Nova", in reference to the Dynamix game Nova 9. The coordinates to Klorox are 90210 - the same as in that ridicilous movie. The Tasmanian devil is in one of the cages at Genetix (then again, it might be the Labion Terror Beast from SQ2). The Astro Chicken from Space Quest 3 has a quick appearance in the Eureka's pod bay. There's a row of lockers to the far left. Open the leftmost one and watch! The PacMan makes a quick appearance in the Goliath's ventilation system. On level 8, find the intersection where you can go in all four directions. Go left. Roger will come back, followed by the PacMan. Both Flash Gordon and Albert Einstein are mentioned on the academy's grade machine. They both fail, too. The Millenium Falcon is disguised as the bridge simulator (check it out when Roger walks away from the sim). Patrick Stewart (who plays Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek) plays the mutated colonist at Klorox II. One of the ships in the academy's shuttle bay belongs to the Two Guys from Andromeda (Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe). The main theme song, played during the introduction sequence, was made out to be a spoof on the title song from Star Trek - The Original Series. The entire SpaceBar sequence is a spoof from Star Trek: TOS. Captain Quirk has a Dynamix coffee cup. It's visible when the Eureka intercepts the strange transmission. When Roger is taken to the Eureka, the game says that he "undergone an extensive captain's training seminar on the planet Oakhurst". Oakhurst is, as we all know, the seat of the Sierra On-Line HQ. Here are the coordinates to play the game: 1. Gangularis : 71552 2. Peeyu : 92767 3. Kiz Urazgubi : 20011 4. Starcon : 69869 5. Clorox II : 90210 6. Thrakus : 53284 7. Space Station : 41666 8. Commodore LXIV : 81100 Carl's 1. Thrakus #53284 2. KU #20011 3. Lukaszuk #91001 4. Gingivitis #81100 5. Monostadt VII #54671 *Starcon 6. Klorox #90210 7. Gangularis #71552 8. Commodore LXIV #01015 9. Spacebar #69869 10.Peeyu #92767 11.Spittoonie #44091 Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Space Quest 5 cheat codes.
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